Drabble Wednesday: Virtual Soliloquy

Drabble Wednesday is back and so are Frankie and Joni, with three bits of Shakespeare silliness. Enjoy.

A Tale of the Vinegar

“Do we have to watch this?” Oswald frowned at me.
I nodded. “If we don’t, Frankie will pout for a week.”
Clearing his throat, Frankie began his monologue, “There never was a tale of more woe, then that of vinegar and potato. Two foodstuffs fine, not alike in flavour, in picnic, where we lay our scene. From ancient innovation, a marvel yet to savour, where rival cooks make salad hands unclean.”
I glanced at Oswald. He stared at Frankie with enjoyment, whispering, “This is wonderful.”
Oh no, now there are two of them.
I closed my eyes, a headache forming.

To Hat, or Not to Hat

“Uneasy lies the head that wears the pretty bonnet. Why are thou rebel, straying so from the herd? ‘Tis it nobler in the mind to suffer in silence, or bear the slings and arrows of outrageous disparity? Why must thou wear the bonnet?”
I stared. “What the heck are you babbling, Frankie?”
He turned and grinned. “‘Tis Arabella. The lady doth protest too much and refuseth to wear the proper chapeau. She must not wear the bonnet, but the cloche.”
“Oh, just let the cow wear what she wants.”
Frankie pouted. “But it’s for the Roaring Twenties party.”
I sighed.

The Debating of the Cow

“To cloche or not to cloche, that is the question.” Frankie glared at Arabella, who shook her pink bonnet at him.
“Ah,” Oswald now joined the debate. “If it were done, then ’twere well done. O, she doth teach the fluorescents to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night. In pink she blooms, and doth illuminate the room.”
Arabella mooed.
I stared at the bartender, Doctor Quackenboss, who had traded his top hat and monocle for a fedora and spats. “Gimme a Sidecar, and make it a double. It’s going to be a long night.”

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