Drabble Wednesday: Monsters We See

Today we have three tales of monsters, enjoy.

Photo by Elu012bna Aru0101ja on Pexels.com


“Tippy tap, tippy tap. Along the floor, the bones go snap. Look away, look away. Or the creeper comes to stay.”
Little Sally, curled in the corner, her eyes shut tight, whispered the rhyme. Over her words echoed a knock, knock, crack, knock, knock, crack. Then a hiss. Warm breath blew across Sally’s cheek. She kept her eyes shut tight.
“Knockity knock, knockity knock. Someone naughty opened the lock. Don’t look, don’t peek. He’ll take you away if you are weak.”
Another hiss, and a claw scraping her skin. Sally never opened her eyes.
Not even when her mother screamed.

Shadow Man

Esther didn’t leave the house anymore. She sat by the window and stared through the glass into the back garden. Her poor mother fussed, brought in the doctors, but still Esther remained indoors, comfortable in her overstuffed, high-backed chair, a blanket tucked around her legs.
When the doctors asked why, she replied, “Beware the Shadow Man.”
They went away defeated, shaking their heads.
But Esther knew something lurked in the garden. Impossibly tall and thin, long gangly arms with hands that brushed the ground. A pulsing shadow thing with red eyes and a wicked smile.
He was waiting for her…

The Monster We Made

A thousand eyes for a thousand lies.
That’s how the story begins, this tale of supernatural fright. They squeal and squirm, wailing voices screaming into the night, but their nightmare is a creation of their own souls. Their dark hearts and wicked tongues that spun the untruths and birthed the monstrosity consuming the world.
Deception and greed, feeding this wyrm of hate, gestating the unspeakable, forming protoplasm of indifference and an appetite for blood and flesh. A mass of slime and filth; accumulated dishonesty made manifest.
It has come for us all, to consume its makers and cleanse the universe.

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