Drabble Wednesday: Hidden Things

Back again this week after a break, with three new stories. Enjoy.

Photo by Anton Atanasov on Pexels.com

The Lost

I am lost.
My footsteps echo on the cobblestones and the gray-blue fog swirls between the dying trees.
Where am I?
I keep walking. This road must lead somewhere. It has to, right? The sky is grey and bleak, obscured by mist. I shiver as a cold wind blows.
Where am I going? How did I get here?
I am afraid to stop, afraid of the shadows. They shift and twist, as if they are alive, and I hear whispers. I try to ignore the sounds, but I cannot.
Join us. Surrender.
I keep walking. This road must lead somewhere.

The Door

The door endured, a timeless thing, meandering silently through the cracks in the world, tucking itself into the shadows of basement corners. It perched precariously in walls, nestled atop four stone steps, appearing randomly, yet attracting no attention. To most, it remained shut, forever locked with no key, dismissed as a forgotten storage room or a bricked-up relic long abandoned.
To others, though, it opened when needed, more steps leading into the sunshine, into peace, providing an escape from the horror of their lives.
To the abused, the door was a haven, their lifeline, and it welcomed them into paradise.

The Highway

I watched the drunk at the bar, huddled around the beer he nursed, whispering loud enough to be heard, “Don’t drive down Highway 10 tonight.”
He got some looks, a few laughs, but one fellow asked him why.
“The Devil’s hunting. Somebody’s going to die tonight.” The bar went silent, and I left. I had places to be.
Later, I waited for him outside.
“Why do you try to warn them? They never listen.”
“I have to try.”
“Admirable, but the devil always takes his due.”
“I know.” He looked at me.
“There’s no escape for you, either.” I laughed.

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