Drabble Wednesday: Stuck in Time

Back to the Time Sheep Saga today as Debbie enacts her plan. Enjoy.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Hello, Goodbye.

“Ow!” Dr. Stein landed on his face before gingerly sitting up and looking around. They seemed to have materialized in a meadow. “What happened? I remember the portal, then light and music—Beethoven’s Fifth, I think, played on a kazoo—before this horrible, incessant squawking…Wait, where are the chickens?”
He glanced over at Debbie. “Are those feathers in your mouth?” Dr. Stein gasped, and then shrieked, “Did you eat all the chickens?”
Debbie bleated, then burped.
Dr. Stein gagged and then threw up repeatedly on the grass.

Somewhere in time and space, dozens of chicken carcasses rained down over a dystopian city…

Running in Circles

Wiping his mouth Dr. Stein staggered to his feet, stared at Debbie and took off running. The sheep watched him race into a clump of nearby trees before munching on some grass. Dr. Stein returned moments later from the opposite side of the meadow, stumbling to a stop in front of Debbie.
“What have you done? This a Time Bubble, isn’t it?”
Debbie bleated and bobbed her head.
Dr. Stein flopped down on the grass. “Why? Why would you trap us here? I know it was you and not that ridiculous man who opened the portal.”
Debbie grinned and disappeared.

Multiple Man

Elsewhere in the continuum, Dr. Stein walked down an underground tunnel and vanished in a burst of blue light… as did dozens of versions of him spread out across the multiverse. And one by one a sheep brought those versions to a grassy meadow where they dissolved into a sole entity. Every anomaly, every timeline pulled from the fabric of the future to reform into the zero point individual.
Dr. Stein screamed and kept screaming as all his doppelgangers and conflicting memories integrated into singular time. When he was complete, Debbie took Dr. Stein back to where it all began…

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