Drabble Wednesday: Time, Dimensions, and a Chicken

Today is the end of the Frankie and Joni/Time Sheep Crossover (but be sure to read the extra story bit at the bottom). And bonus Easter egg points if you know where I pulled the titles from. Enjoy.

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“I figured out how to get them back to their dimension.”
Frankie shouted at me as I led the chicken horde back into the vid room. I scooped up Fluffy as he passed by my leg. “Good. These clucking chickens are giving me a headache.”
Fluffernutter meowed from the doorway and I put Fluffy down. “You and the cat head to the control room.” After one last look at the chickens the pets scurried away. “So how are we sending this zoo home?”
“We hook the Doctor’s thingamajiggy up to a VR generator and plug in Oswald’s dimensional equation.”


“Oswald’s what? And why are you fooling with stuff created by Le Pingouin Noir?”
“Oswald’s code. His equations. How he tapped into the system and how he escaped.”
“That’s how he escaped?”
“Oh, didn’t I tell you that?”
“No, all you said—”
“Can we please get on with it?” The weird Doctor guy glared at us. “I feel my brain cells dying in this banality.”
“Watch it, or I’ll have Frankie send you to the flying monkey world.”
“That might happen anyway, if I don’t get the continuum—”
“I’m not going.”
Everyone turned to stare at Erik the Viking chicken.

Quantum Leap

“I’m staying here with these strange people.”
“What?” The weird Doctor guy sputtered and the spooky sheep bleated.
I looked at Erik and shrugged. “What the heck. One more oddball can’t hurt.” The Viking fowl scurried to my side. “Okay, Frankie, get the rest of these invaders out of here.”
“Will do.” A few minutes later the vid room lit up, and a portal appeared. The Doctor eyed it suspiciously. “Are you sure you—”
Frankie hit the big red button and the portal whisked away our visitors.
“That’s odd.”
“Nothing, I guess.”
“Come on chicken, I’ll show you around.”

As two people and a chicken walk out of a vid room shadows in a darkened corner shift…There is a whisper, “Le Pingouin Noir returns.”
To Be Continued…(After the Time Sheep Saga)

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