Day 21 National Poetry Month: Scheherazade

Today I have a free verse poem (that started out as a poor attempt at a Rubaiyat) from the prompt, Scheherazade. Enjoy.

Photo by AXP Photography on


Warm breeze past the window, blossoms in bud
jasmine fragrance wafting against dried blood
I imagine their eternal screams, their dread
Will my fate be theirs? Will my tears flood?

Twilight, and the candle flickers, waiting
my spell of words begins, reality abating
I smile and weave my snare, my salvation
he is caught; my endless story scintillating

The days grow warm, each night I tell my tale
of pirates or kings, great adventures set sail
drowning his hate in ideas, dreams deftly spun
in vulnerable sacrifice, so I may prevail

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