October Frights Day 2: Dark Drabble Wednesday

Day two is all about the dark drabbles, giving you three dark fairy tales in 100 words Enjoy.

Photo by Niki Clark on Pexels.com

Snow White

They say she wanders the woods at night, alone, her elegant dress now tattered and worn, soot and ash staining the hem, the fine lace torn and yellowed. The scent of apples and rot follows in her wake, and the keening lament of the dead.
The wind whispers her name and the moonlight glints off the cracked mirror she carries, her bloody fingers clutched tightly around its handle. Blindly she is searching for her broken promises, for the prince who should have saved her but instead plunged his hunting knife through her heart.
Now she’ll take yours as a replacement.

Witch in the Woods

“Witch, witch, witch!” The children chanted their parents’ words, absorbing the hatred and fear of the village. Warnings of, “Stay away from the woman in the woods, she’ll eat you for supper,” were ignored, and games of throwing mud at her window shutters were common. It was all cruel fun to them.
Until one day a child disappeared.
Then the outrage swelled and the mob flooded the forest, burning her home with the woman inside. Self-satisfied, they thought, No more witch. Our children are safe.
While their ringleader, the village mayor, smiled, knowing what really happened to the missing child.

Not a Real Boy

Plucking his strings, his master made him dance, cavort like a clown for pennies paid. His unblinking eyes glared at the audience as they laughed at his antics, as he was debased for their entertainment. Rage burned inside his chest, threatened to consume his wooden body and turn him into ashes.
After the show ended, his master tossed him carelessly into his case, never minding if his strings got tangled or his limbs bent at painful angles against the gaudy red velvet. Then the case shut, trapping him inside the suffocating dark
One day, one day. I’ll kill them all.

And tonight, at 7 PM EST, I’ll be hosting a great horror panel over on YouTube.

Horror Monsters: Alternatives to Traditional Vampires and Werewolves

Thanks for joining in today for October Frights, be sure to keep hopping for the other participants’ posts and remember to pop over to our mini book fair and our book giveaway (which runs all month) as well as the Halloween Horrors Giveaway. Check them out below.

October Frights Giveaway

Book Fair

And to keep on Hopping, check out all the participants.

Blog Hop Participants

Hawk’s Happenings

Always Another Chapter

Crymsyn Hart

Be Afraid of the Dark

Camilla Voiez, British Horror Author

Frighten Me

Angela Yuriko Smith: Exercising My Writes


James P Nettles

EV Whyte, Author

Silver Hollow Stories

C.L. Cannon’s Halloween Horrors Fan Giveaway!

Enter for a chance to win print copies of All Hallows by Christopher Golden, Till We Become Monsters by Amanda Headlee, It by Stephen King, The God of Endings by Jacqueline Holland, plus 4 horror baddie bookmarks, Horror Story candle, No Brains Before Coffee mug, The Shining Overlook Hotel keychain, Scream Ghostface sticker, and Hannibal Eat The Rude button pin.

Check out the Giveaway

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