Drabble Wednesday: Bits and Frights

An announcement today before we get to two Frankie and Joni Drabbles. Next week the annual October Frights Blog Hop starts, running from the 10th-15th and features horror authors sharing stories, poems and posts to celebrate Halloween and all things spooky. I’ll be posting once a day with flash fiction, Drabble Wednesday, some dark poetry and some book spotlights, so please join us for the fun.

And now on with the drabbles…

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The New Employee

“You did what?” I stared at Frankie, open-mouthed.
“I hired Le Pingouin Noir to work for us.You know Corporate gave us extra funds for more help, and so far he’s been a real asset. Plus he’s bonded with Eric the chicken. The two work well together.”
“But—but he’s a villain.”
“Well…he was, but his time with the flying monkeys and the whole turtle thing has given him a new perspective on his dubious life choices. He’s decided to turn over a new leaf.”
“Turtle? What turtle? What is going on here?”
Frankie shrugged.
I felt a headache coming on.

Cthulhu Cozy

I met with Frankie trying not to laugh as I relayed the new program instructions from Corporate. “They want an Eldritch Gods vid, but cozy. It must have, and I quote, ‘books, knitting, and a cat.’”
Frankie stared. “A cozy. Eldritch gods. Vid. With a cat.”
“Don’t forget the knitting.”
Frankie screamed…

The vid opens in a gloomy gothic manor, slowly panning to a many tentacled Eldritch god knitting several cozy hats with a cat on her lap. She’s handing hats to her followers.
“Now be sure to wear these when you go out. You mustn’t catch your death of cold…”

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